Summary of freehold
Accessed on 04 March 2025 at 16:03:46
This information can change if we recieve an application. This service can not tell you if HM Land Registry are dealing with an application.
- Address
Throckley Hall
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE15 9RH
This is the address held by Royal Mail
- Property description
Throckley Hall, Throckley, Newcastle Upon Tyne (NE15 9RH)
This is how HM Land Registry have described the property in the register
What is the difference between address and property description?
The property description might be different to the address you recognise as your postal address.
This could be for a few reasons. For example:
- HM Land Registry may have registered the land before a postal address was assigned by Royal Mail
- a house may have recently been changed into flats which now have separate addresses
How to update the property description
Complete form AP1 to update the property description (link opens in new tab). For example, to change the property's name.
- Tenure type
What's freehold?
Freehold is one of two ways of owning land (the other is a leasehold).
Freehold continues for an indefinite time without payment of rent. It can be sold or given away and is the type of ownership that is nearest to owning land absolutely.
Most houses are freehold, and most flats are leasehold.
If you want to know who owns a flat, you probably need the leasehold title instead.
- Value stated
£950,000 on 12 April 2023
Restrictive covenants and easements
There may be other things that affect this property that are not listed here. For more information about the records we hold, you should obtain a copy of the register and any documents referred to in the register.
Item | Recorded |
Restrictive covenants What's a restrictive covenant?A restrictive covenant is a contract between 2 landowners: one landowner promises the other landowner not to carry out particular acts on their own land. The types of act restricted can vary but common examples include not building in certain areas and not storing caravans. The burden of a restrictive covenant can bind future owners of the affected land. |
Yes - for more information, you should buy the Title register. This costs £7. The Title register will either:
Easements What's an easement?An easement is a right that one piece of land has over another piece of land. Common examples are rights of drainage, rights of way and rights of support. An easement might benefit the property or might be a burden on the property and benefit other land. |
Yes - for more information, you should buy the Title register. This costs £7. The Title register will either:
Available documents
There are documents you can buy for this land or property.
View available documents